Jessica, known online as @motherbabynursejessica, author of Once Baby’s Here, shares her experience with advocacy when her 50 hour birth center birth sent her to the hospital and how she held her power and made the best decision for her baby.
“Hi I’m Jessica! On social media you may know me as Mother baby nurse Jessica. I’m a traveling mother-baby and NICU nurse. I see how hospitals around the United States does things and share this education on social media for parents who want to know more. I empower parents to advocate for themselves postpartum and their newborn baby. Heck I even wrote a book about it. I want every parent to know they have choices and a say in the plan of care for themselves postpartum and newborn baby inside the hospital, even if no one tells you.”
Find Jessica on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube
Once Baby’s Here – or find it on Amazon
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