What is physiological birth? Why is it important? What practices support physiological birth?
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Physiological birth means letting the entire labor process take place under your body’s innate power to bring a baby into this world. It is the most effective and optimal way to birth, with fewer risks and safer outcomes to mom and baby.
So why do we need to talk about this?
Because your birth place might not support this idea.
Remember birth place options- hospital, birthing center, home, unassisted
The 6 practices that support physiological birth:
The idea that labor begins on its own
Freedom of movement throughout labor should be supported
Continuous labor support
No interventions is routine
Spontaneous pushing in upright or gravity neutral positions
No separation of mother and baby, with unlimited opportunities for breastfeeding
Opposite practices work against birth
Birth is actually more predictable than you think.
Our bodies go through the same processes (with some variations of normal) to bring baby into the world.
It’s not until we interrupt the process that birth needs help and becomes risky. A lot of women do not understand or trust the physiological process because birth has become over medicalized and that is when physiological birth doesn’t work!
In Unmedicated Academy, we have something called the physiological birth immersion kit, meant to help you reframe your idea of birth and trust the process more.