I have so much to do and I have come to the realization that I can not do it all all the time. So here are six ways I have intentionally made a super simple (and free) change in my routine to get things done more effectively while cutting back on my overwhelm.
Podcasts as homeschool lessons
Homeschool can look any way you want it to. Our podcast lessons look like, listening to an episode during a car ride to two, then discussing what we learned. You can also do extension projects to make it look more traditional school, try writing a paragraph on the topic or a related topic, vocabulary based on the topic, a science project related to the topic, etc.
Delegating phone calls to my husband
I hate making phone calls. My kids are always loud and I can’t seem to have a conversation without saying “I’m sorry can you repeat that?” at least 3 times. I text the phone number, and details of things like dentist appointments to my husband to do while he is at work in his quiet office.
Outside playtime as work time
My kids are really good at entertaining themselves outside, and there are usually less distractions there for me too.. It’s a win win for everyone.
FaceTime with the grandparents after dinner
We discovered this on accident one night when all the kids wanted to talk to grandma and grandpa, we sent them off to separate rooms with our phones and it was SO quiet. We had zero distractions while we tidied up after dinner and the kids had a better version of screen times.
Not folding the kids’ clothes
Why am I folding clothes when the kids rummage through and mess them up anyways. I sort by tops, bottoms, and pjs and call it good.
No social media in the morning
This is part of a time blocking strategy that when I am strict with no phone in the morning two blocks, I can get so much more done therefore allowing me to better focus on my work block of the day.
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