In episode 21 we covered some examples of why you might want to fire your OB. And I’m sorry sis if you’re surprised that maybe you have a fireable OB. Most of us do. The violation of our basic rights has become so routine. But the good news is that you don’t have to sit […]

We’ve all heard it, first time moms should expect super long labors. But recently I heard from lots of moms who had precipitious births, under 5 hours, even as first time moms! And it got me thinking. Why is there such a wide range of normal in the lengths of labor? Why does it seem […]

OK, so it feels like glass shards coming are coming through your nipple instead of milk? Sounds like thrush. Let’s talk about some unmedicated ways that you can treat thrush at home, and preferably at the first sign. In this episode I’m sharing about my chronic thrush infections, what has worked the best in treating […]