Twilight sleep or dammerschlaf started in early 20th century Germany, with Dr Kronig And Dr. Guass. Twilight sleep is unique in that it used a combination of scopolamine and morphine to give women pain relief and also put them into a foggy state resulting in having zero memory of birth. Twilight sleep sparked the first […]

You know how important your birth plan is, but so are these three things! Get out your pen and take down notes for this one, we are covering the plan you need to make for BEFORE you get to the hospital, and planning tips for the two areas most unmedicated birth plans fail.      Episode […]

New name who dis? A look into what is new with the podcast for Season 2. And also some life updates and why the podcast is kicking off a month later than planned.    Episode Summary: Welcome to Season 2Welcome back to birth class mama! I am SO freaking excited to be back. I actually […]