Birth centers aren’t always what they seem. It’s common for women to choose a birth center for all the things the homebirth has to offer without being at home, but then they get a kind of typical hospital birth experience. In this episode I go over the big differences between homebirth, birth centers and the […]

Part 2 of the homeschool series! In this episode I answer some questions from you about homeschooling. Everything from the fact that you’re already homeschooling as a SAHM, to exactly how much time we spend each day/week on schooling, to the fact that my homeschool kids socialize more than they would in public school. Summary […]

This is the how and why we became a homeschool family. This story is a pivotal part of my life and a big transition on so many levels- one that I am so thankful for. Dreaming of homeschool Sometime when Millie was in childcare, this had to have been 2016 or 2017, I remember wishing […]