a caffeine-free herbal blend high in essential nutrients and minerals for women in preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum.

Unmedicated Academy


Get informed and empowered for birth. A comprehensive birth education program for moms who want to control the controllable, support physiology and feel confident about their birth plan. 

Ambitious Birth Worker


Let’s launch your online business. A mentorship membership for ambitious birth workers who want to grow online by creating and launching a digital offer.

work with Lizzie

online birth Education & birth Business coaching

Let's Research


Birth Prep Class

best birth freebies

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At one point I was ready to give up, and I knew it was transition. I prayed for strength to keep going and it was only another hour before baby arrived. There is no way I could have done it without all that you taught me."

"It was intense, but I did it!

Baby girl delivered this morning totally unmedicated in 7 hours with 3 pushes."

"I got my VBAC!

in the hospital My daughter was born at 10pm after less than 8 hours of labor, less than 3 at the hospital, weighing 10 lbs 15oz!”

"I got my unmedicated 'home birth'


BIrth Services


In person birth support for the mom who wants an unmedicated birth at home or the hospital. Currently serving Brentwood and surrounding areas.

“Thank you so much for the 1:1. I’m feeling so good about my birth plan now. I’m just so thankful for all of the support inside of Unmedicated Academy.”

so much support

“Finally having the intervention-free unmedicated birth I always wanted was so empowering! From laboring at home to arriving at the hospital already 8cm dilated to declining IV antibiotics and then pushing my baby out 40 minutes later without laying on my back for any of it.”

Empowering birth

“Unmedicated Academy does all the research for you to make informed decisions after weighing all the risks and benefits of all possible interventions and teaches you how to advocate for yourself if your provider is not supportive of the birth you want.”

Get informred

"Thank you for the Academy! I had my 38 week check today saw an OB I haven;t seen yet. Had to decline a cervical check 3 times before they took me seriously. But I stood my ground and explained what I was looking for with this birth and he changed his tune."

advocacy skills